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The power industry being a source of electricity is a core of modern civilization. That is why it is often called a base industry.


But in a market economy this industry is also business.  

This site is exactly about how to make our electricity and power industry to become reliable, robust and competitive business and at the same time a base for  successful market economy. 

What we do



We are able to solve miscellanious tasks, starting from a complex combined consulting for individual  power consumers and suppliers on versatile day-to-day issues such as a grid connection or an optimal power supply scheme for data centers up to the most complicated studies and researches on power markets, elaboration of concepts and solutions for general market designs and their particular elements.


Our special feature –  the ability to bring about the best experts for the least money.

The current geopolitical events as well as some other factors have brought us to the point when we had to shut down our activities in Russia to some extent in recent years. But we have replaced them by new areas of interests and have been extending our services for the neighboring countries in Central Asia, which are embarking  on board along the long and bumpy road that leads to a robust competitive market. We know how to do it professionally as we went through this experience ourselves with all ups and downs on the way. 


Our advantage stays with us, we can get together the best team for a task to solve at the least price.

Most of our original materials such as Blog articles here are in Russian as we have been functioning in the Russian environment for last 10 years. We will continue to use Russian as it still is  the main language of communication for our audience in Central Asia and Russia. But we will also use the English language as a tool  of communication with our international partners and experts we are going to engage in our activities.   

What we are 



AEA  –  Analytic Energy Agency is an "umbrella" cosultancy  in the power industry and adjacent spheres. The "umbrella"  means the way of business running by the company. In essence it consists in attraction of the best availble expertise for finding solutions to concreate demanding tasks both strategic and tactical.


We live in the real and constantly changing environment with permanently altering 

priorities and problems. Yesterday it was important to build a robust market model in the industry tailored after most advanced countries and jurisdictions, but today the world, including the countries we look up to endures a dramatic transformation called Energy Transition. New technologies are sweepingly appear and rapidly grow up at IT sphere in the first place. And new tasks arise for consultants too.


Today it is decentralized (distributed) energy resources, so called DERs, and it is not just an abstraction and theoretical applications, it is down to earth projects and installations in our cities under concreate conditions. For instance there are now  relatively "new consumers" – data and crypto mining centers, which require reliable and effective power supply – all that was in the focus of our attention lately. 

Another challenge is a discrepancy between our classic comprehension of power markets and new key factors affecting and changing the essense of their nature.


This has become clear over the last few years as old standards and accustomed constructions happened to be not working properly anymore as before and apparently totally unfit to new market drivers. And this is our care too – to make market designs and models aligned with this new and constantly evolving environment.   



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